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Alyea Alldredge

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Leisha Baker

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Carrie Brown

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Amy Derdall

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Betsy Fogle

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Jami Glenn

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Nicole Holt

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Lori Johnson Murawski

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Bridget Lovelle

Stephanie Matthews

Stephanie Matthews

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Ami Harshad Patel Miller

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Zora Mulligan

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Jennifer Murray

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Lisa Odom

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Becky Phipps

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Jacqueline Post

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Jennifer Pyck

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Shahad Sadeq

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Brandi VanAntwerp

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Rachel Watson

Woman holding crate of coffee

Meet Jennifer.

Before Victory, Jennifer was living in complete isolation. Aside from church and the occasional run to the grocery store, Jennifer’s struggle with mental illness and a fear of people kept her home alone. Eventually, she felt too crippled by fear and depression to even get out of bed, and she lost her job working from home. Jennifer knew there had to be something better for her.

During her time in Restoration at Victory Mission, Jennifer experienced miraculous growth and healing. She worked as a paid intern for Victory’s social enterprise, Equip Coffee, which gave her foundational work-ready skills. Her internship has taught her interpersonal skills and boosted her sense of worth. “I think [I’m] more confident with myself… being comfortable in Christ helped me to be more aware that we should be living for God, and that helps me interact with other people.”

Special thanks to these businesses for teaming up with this year’s SBJ Most Influential Women class
to help women in crisis build better lives and leave poverty behind.

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417 Escape Artist

Springfield Victory Mission is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (Tax ID number 43-1345089) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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