We believe in the importance of transparency with our donors, volunteers, and clients. Learn about our financial information, board policies, and more.
Annual Report (Fiscal Year 2022)
Audited Financials (Fiscal Year 2022)
Victory Mission + Ministry asks for the board of directors, staff, and key volunteers to adhere to Victory’s Statement of Faith. If you are interested in learning more please get in touch with our team at hr@victorymission.com
Our Commitment to Our Donors: Victory Mission + Ministry does not exist without the caring and compassionate donors, friends, and community. Victory values your partnership. For this reason Victory does NOT share, trade, give, or sell any of our donors, volunteers, or participants information (including names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, etc.) for any reason. This includes all social enterprise purchases, like coffee. Victory values all the partnerships and donors in the same way. Your information is share and Victory will steward it well. Victory Mission + Ministry believes in good stewardship of all resources including donors and friends. Victory’s data is secured and protected with physical locks and encrypted when it is best practice. All platforms Victory participants with will be of similar practice. Any third-party platforms will use the donors’ information for the purpose of the donation only.
Thank you for your partnership with Victory Mission.